Advertise with Us

We would love to add you to our list of Advertisers for a very reasonable price* In our Newsletter, our Advertisers reach hundreds of Americans, as well as their Scottish friends and families, throughout the region and thousands of visitors find us through our Web Page.  Thank you for your interest in Advertising with the American Women’s Club of Central Scotland

Promote Your Business By Advertising With Us

What we will do for you:

  1. Issues of our ONLINE NEWSLETTER throughout the year. Summer, September- October, Winter, February-March, April-May.
  2. The Newsletter is provided as a .pdf file in colour and emailed directly to our members, friends and advertisers.
  3. Links to our Advertisers are included in the Newsletter, on the Website open to the public and in bi-monthly email reminders to our members.
  4. On our website, we have a separate page for our advertisers with links to their sites and comments from our members who have used them.
  5. We also use our Facebook page to regularly link to our Advertisers.

What we need from you

All Advertisements must be provided in print format electronically through email or may be sent on a CD Rom. Newsletter preferred documents are:

  • .jpg
  • .png
  • .pdf
  • doc using a common print font
  1. Please send a colour version to go in the Newsletter at resolution 300 pixels per inch in above format.
  2. If sending .pdf file, please also send the image files you used to make the pdf to be used in the banner.
  3. Send the Colour Ad, full page (7.5″ x 4.5″) or half page (3.75″ x 4.5″) to: Newsletter Editor

Banners will appear on the Website:

  1. Full and Half page ads will also have a banner on our website.
  2. It will be made for you, please send image files from your AD, we will accept that we have permission to use these images when they are sent to us, or
  3. if you wish to make it yourselves, please make it 475 Width x 75 Height (pixels) and save for web as a .gif or .png file at 72px resolution.
  4. Send the banner, and/or images to use in making the banner to:   Website Manager

Due Date & Payments

Date Due: Must be received by the 10th of the Month previous to Newsletter Edition in which you wish to publish.

Terms of Payment: Payable within 30 days of invoice

Send Cheque for your Payment:
American Women’s Club of Central Scotland
P.O. Box 231
44-46 Morningside Road
Edinburgh EH10 4BF
Attn: Advertiser Coordinator

Or, Pay via PayPal by clicking on the below link next to the appropriate chosen advertisement option.

Questions?:  Contact PR/Advertising Rep

Prices for Advertising

Full Page*, Single Issue = £40.00, All Issues yearly = £200.00
Half Page*, Single Issue = £20.00, All Issues yearly = £100.00

Choose Ad Type

Full Page*, Single Issue = £20.00.  All Issues yearly =£100.00
Half Page*, Single Issue = £10.00.  All Issues yearly = £ 50.00

Choose Ad Type

Type of Advertisement:  Full Page is 7.5″ by 4.5″, Half Page is 3.75″ x 4.5″